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Navigating the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual

Accessing the version of the Policy Manual that you’d like to read

When accessing the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual, you will arrive on a landing page that displays the final Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual and any Drafts that are available for Public Feedback. Be sure to click on the version of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual that you would like to view, whether that is a Draft Module or a Final Version.


You can also use the “Search” bar on the landing page to search for a topic or area of interest in the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual. The filter drop-down to the right of the “Search” bar will let you search specific modules or versions of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual, if available. When left in “Search all”, the “Search” function will search all versions of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual, the Help Center, and any draft modules that are available for public feedback.


An example of “Search” from the landing page

Left-Hand Navigation Bar 

You can navigate around the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual through the left-hand navigation bar. The navigation bar contains a listing of each available section of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual. You can select the section title that you are interested in and view the content. 


Using the Search Feature

The upper portion of the Home screen contains a “Search” bar that allows you to search for a specific term or section of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual. The “Search” feature will give you a list of sections or sub-sections in the policy manual that include the content of interest.

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Navigating Different Versions of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual

As new versions of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual become available, older versions are stored for reference. If you would like to access an older version, you can do so from the “Home” page by using the drop-down menu next to the “Search” bar. Be sure to select the version of the Behavioral Health Services Act County Policy Manual that you’d like to review.

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